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Monday 21 November 2011

Why do the government treasury bonds still hold attraction of the investors?

When you need to make investments, you need to ascertain your disposable income and the objectives which the investment shall meet. One of the foremost considerations of making the investment decision is the extent of risk which you are willing to take. The more the risk, the more are the rewards in terms of the return on investments. However, even the people who are risk-takers first find out the safest avenues of investments and then play the high risk games. And, government treasury bonds are one of the foremost attractions for the same.

Government treasury bonds are the debt instruments which are launched by the governments for capital accumulation. These carry a fixed bond rate, which is the amount of return which the holder of the instrument is likely to get. Since these are initiated by the governments, these are backed by the sovereign guarantees from the government that the investments will remain safe and that the returns will be given for sure. Some countries provide total guarantees while some other might incorporate a little element of market risk, say 5 percent on these instruments.

Some of the financial planners and investors are averse to make use of these instruments in times of high inflation. This is so because even if the full backing of the government is there, the fixed returns do not match with the increasing inflation rates and the investors are at a disadvantage. However, mindful of the fact that inflation can erode the real value of the return, the governments introduce the inflation indexed treasury bonds whose rate of return is pegged to the inflation index.

The key difference between the inflation indexed treasury bonds and the normal ones is that the real value of the latter gets eroded with high inflation whereas the real values of the former remains the same. Ever since the indexed bonds were first introduced, these have found phenomenal rise in investments. However, it shall be noted that these bonds provide the cover against the inflation rate increase while there might still be the fluctuations in the real interest rates which might impact the current yield curve.

One of the benefits afforded by these instruments is that the needs of the small investors taken care of. When these instruments were not there, the investors always found themselves in a dilemma since there were not other risk-free avenues and if the government treasury bonds provided a way out, the erosion of real returns rendered the investments useless. These instruments are chiefly used by the economies of those countries which face high inflation rates and these are not likely to be stable for long term.

These are different from the bank bills which are short term secure investment avenues, usually less than 185 days whereas the treasury bonds are long term in nature. Bank bills do not carry a fixed rate from the beginning. Rather it is the deal rate which is held to be fixed right till the rest of the term of the bank bill. So, bank bills definition is different from that of the treasury bonds.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Enhanced venture in insurance

Investment bond or insurance bonds required for investment purposes. These notices are issued by insurance companies. They are in the nature of a single premium life insurance policy and are a common form of investment commitments in most countries. Their offer of guaranteed minimum income for life of the plan holder is one of the most sought after investment options. Other useful features of insurance bonds include deferred taxes insurance status, access to expensive investment links, as guaranteed funds and the benefits of reducing the tax on the inheritance of an estate. Deferred tax Investment is an investment that some or all taxes are paid at a future date and not in the year the investment income generated. These types of investments refer to the retirement accounts that the deferral of taxes on premiums and growth, or both to permit and taxes are not paid until funds are withdrawn during retirement.

The bond issued by a company to raise money for his bond business to develop is called society. A corporate bond is made to the instruments of the long-term debt by the due date falls at least one year from the date of issuance. Most corporate bonds are registered on the major exchanges and are therefore called bonds. However, despite the fact that listed on stock exchanges, the majority of transactions in corporate bonds occur in decentralized markets based distributor. So if someone has invested in corporate bonds, it is important to present current information on topics such as corporate bonds prices and yields. Some corporate bonds, the issuer to repay the debt before maturity, while the convertible bonds to investors to convert the bond into shares.

Unlike insurance and corporate bonds, there are Treasury bonds, which are regarded as bonds issued by USGovernement and have over 7 years of the term. Treasury bonds are exempt from state and local taxes and interest is paid semi-annually. These securities have the longest maturity of 10 to 30 years. 10 years treasury bonds have a maturity of one year but not more than 10 years. The 30-year bonds the Treasury is called the link length. The rate base is about 6 months and that too at a fixed coupon. The federal and state governments bonds, in some countries. For example, Treasury bonds issued by the State of NSW New South Wales in Australia also considered an ideal investment due to government guarantees.

Union budget for 2010-11, has many advantages for taxpayers and it relates to the additional deduction available. This additional deduction will be available to all taxpayers to invest Rs 20,000 in infrastructure bonds in the long run. A look at how well this advantage could be taken would be useful to investors in their investment decision. Here are some details regarding these obligations of infrastructure bonds. Earnings available for a taxpayer with respect to the obligations of the long-term infrastructure in the form of a deduction. A deduction means a taxable income of the individual, so the tax is calculated on the outstanding amount of income.

Thursday 1 September 2011

Understanding the investment in infrastructure bonds

Bonds are actually a type of investment products which comes with a fixed rate of interest to be paid to the investors. These are in the nature of debt instruments which have a specific period of maturity. By being a debt in nature, the person or organisation issuing these has to place a primary charge on its revenues for these instruments. These are also different from the equities wherein the investors hold a stake in the ownership of the firm or organisation. The purpose for which these instruments are going to be used, the maturity time period and the interest rate might, at times, be reflected in the names of these instruments. For example, one might say that these are 90 days, 10% infrastructure bonds.

In any interest bearing instrument, the rates of interest are either calculated from the data or are pegged to certain already existing benchmark rates. Any changes in the underlying interest rates or the data components have a similar effect on the interest rates of the instruments. Therefore, while calculating the bond yields and rates, the likely changes are duly considered and accordingly, the interest rates are fixed or pegged. This is relatively easier to do in case where these is a floating interest rate since the name itself implies that the rates will change once the rates of the underlying assets are changed. However, when it comes to the calculation of the fixed interest rates, the calculations also take into account the most likely changes in the parameters used to calculate the rates during the maturity period of the instruments. For this reason, the customers, whenever they opt for the fixed rate infrastructure bonds or other instruments, are required to pay more interest than on the floating rate bearing instruments. An example can be taken of the bank bill swap rate (BBSW, in short). This is the rate, as the name suggests, the rate at which the banks swap bills with each other. Since this swapping takes place on daily basis, the interest rates are calculated and communicated across the banks on daily basis. Another reason for the daily calculation is that these are pegged to those rates or instruments which are likely to change on daily basis. Therefore, the current bank bill swap rate is to be calculated on daily basis. In Australia, this rate is used for the pricing and revaluation of derivatives and securities.

It shall however be noted that the interest rate is different from the yield on maturity for the instruments. For knowing what rate or return you will get in real, the yield rate is the one which is used. For making the work of the investors easier, there are many online websites or blogs which provide the investment bond calculator. The current yield curve of the instrument is also not the exclusive preserve of the TV channels only. The same can also be seen on the websites for making the investment decisions.

It is wrong to assume that the investment bonds are safe or immune from the different risk factors. Unless these are backed by a government guarantee, these also carry the risks. These risks are reflected in the rate of interest. More is the risk, more is the rate of interest.

Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Meaning of Corporate Bonds

Corporate bonds are quite similar to treasury bonds as they include security, which bears interest. The corporate bonds are not only restricted to the upper- middle class, but everyone can benefit from it. They are issued by public as well as private companies, and contain varied kinds of policies and risks and not to forget rewards. The returns as well as the risks associated with such bonds are heavily dependent on the financial status of the company which issues these bonds. The insurance bonds are quite popular with the local masses due to various benefits offered by it. One should buy corporate bonds in order to enjoy the return on investment.

If you wish to invest in bonds then you are on a winning side of the life, and will see more money in your bank account as the interest associated with these bonds when paid to you results in more interest, and thus the story goes on, thus making you rich in a short span of time. With corporate bonds, you can save a great deal of money for your future. Australian bond yield curve is preferred by many because of the less risk factor. However, one should keep in mind that every investment has its own risks, and corporate bonds are no exception. Current bank bill swap rate is preferred by many to secure the invested many. In this article, you would be enlightened with certain tips that would come in handy while you are purchasing bonds.

If you are a new investor than buy bonds in the market for the first time on your own is stupidity, it is advisable that you consult a broker as he will be a pro, and an experienced one and would guide you better in the purchase of bonds. Investment bond calculator comes in handy when you are having trouble with the invested money. You can look for such agents on the internet or can find them in your town near by your place. It is better to select those companies that offer you bonds that are owned by the company or are controlled by them, and don’t forget to buy them at the listed price which is announced by them.

It is essential to buy the bonds of the companies that are reputed in the arena like New York Stock Exchange.

The bonds chosen by you should have the maturity date ranging from two to five years. The bonds that are long- term in nature have low interest value, and short- term bonds protect you from the possible fluctuation in the interest rates which are bound to happen due to unfavourable circumstances. Short duration bonds are quite popular with the masses as they mature rapidly than the long- duration bonds, and you are not required to pay any commission because you buy them on your own without taking help from the broker or the agent.

After reading this article, you won’t have any trouble regarding the corporate bonds.

Government Guaranteed 10 Year Treasury Bonds

Insurance bonds are investment bonds which are offered by life insurance companies and provide single premium life insurance policy. The investors who hold these insurance bonds for more than 10 years without making any type of withdrawals are offered to receive their earnings free from any type of taxes. Important features of insurance bonds include tax deferred status, access to investments like guaranteed or protected profit funds and reducing of inheritance tax liability on an estate. These bonds offer a minimum guaranteed income for life of the plan holder and offer long term savings for high tax payers. The plan holder can potentially save tax on the earnings if the marginal rate of tax is higher than 30 percent levied on the insurance bonds. These bonds offer long term saving benefits for children as the parents can invest on behalf of the children and nominate them as future beneficiaries. Since minors are subjected to low rates of tax, this might help them in paying fewer rates of taxes while holding large investments in their own name.

Maintaining insurance bonds for 10 years would mean addition of original amount plus the net accumulated amount on tax earnings that can be withdrawn free from personal income tax and capital gains tax. The most important benefit of insurance bond is the rule of 125 percent increment. This is considered to be one of the most beneficial features of this bond which allows increment of the investments over 10 subsequent years and not paying personal income tax and capital gain tax.

Treasury bonds are common form of investments done for raising money from treasury yields and are generally sold by treasury department for paying off the debts. Treasury yields rates go down when there is a rise in the demand of treasury products and therefore are considered to be safer investment options. Treasury yields and Treasury bond values both go in the opposite direction and the yield would be on the higher side if the time frame on the treasury product will be longer. 10 year treasury bonds are debt obligations issued by the treasury department that has a term of more than one year and not more than 10 years. These types of bonds bear a stated rate of interest and the plan holder receives semi-annual interest payments.

In Australia, people take keen interest in investing in state treasury bonds like NSW treasury bonds (New South Wales treasury bonds). The yield curve is the relation between interest rate and maturity of the debt in a given currency for a given borrowed amount. The different types of yield curves include normal yield curve, steep yield curve, flat yield curve and inverted yield curve. The shape of yield curve indicated the interest of the investor expectations of future inflation and cash rates. If the bond investors require higher rate of interest for holding bonds for longer maturity, the yield curve usually slopes upwards. For the year 2005, the Australian bond yield curve has been almost close to flat or negatively sloped.

Sunday 21 August 2011

Insurance Bonds Offering Tax Benefits

Insurance bonds are investment instruments that are offered by life insurance companies in the form of single premium life insurance policies. These bonds allow investors to save for a longer term and investors who hold their bond investments for more than 10 years without any withdrawals in between can able to receive their earnings tax free. The main features of insurance bonds include tax deferred status, access to make investments in guaranteed or protected profits funds, allows writing of investments in trust and reduction on inheritance tax liability of an estate. One big advantage of insurance bonds is to provide regular set of minimum guaranteed income during the life of the plan holder. Before 1970s, insurance companies used to offer investment bonds that can be invested in the with-profit fund of the firms. But later, these companies tried to compete with the unit trust market by offering a range of unit-linked investment funds and policies. Distribution funds were designed to provide a regular income source for investors by balancing the income generating assets like corporate bonds and properties with equities. By the year 2000, these distribution bonds had become very popular in many countries and provided another choice as low risk investment bonds.

Treasury bonds are investments bonds which have longer maturity from 10 years to 30 years. These bonds allow coupon payment system for every six months like treasury notes. Treasury bonds are issued by the national governments in the country’s own currency; where as sovereign bonds are issued in foreign currencies. 10 year treasury bonds are issued by credit institutions, national institutions, government companies and public authorities in the primary markets. In Australia, state treasury bonds like NSW treasury bonds are issued by the state and central government authorities. Underwriting is the most common process of issuing bonds. In this process, one or more number of firms or banks form a syndicate and buy an entire issue of bonds from the Issuer Company or organization. The syndicate group then re-sells these bonds to the investors. Since a bond is a formal contract for the repayment of the borrowed money with interest at fixed intervals, it is much like a loan where the issuer is a debtor, the holder is a creditor and coupon payments are the interest.

10 year treasury bonds provide the borrower with external funds for financing long term investments or to finance expenditures. Yield curve symbolizes the relation between the interest rate and debt amount in a particular currency. The different types of yield curves symbolize the changes in the economic output and growth. During the last one year or so, Australian bond yield curve for 10 year notes has declined with 60 basis points. From 1969 until 2011, the curve averaged with 8 percent and reached a high of around 17 percent in the mid of 1982. The record low of around 4 percent was noted in the beginning of 2009. The shape of the yield curve indicates the expectations of the investor regarding cash rates and inflation.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

All about Corporate Bonds

Talking in financial terms, a corporate bond is that kind of bond which is issued by a regulatory body. The bond involves a certain amount of debt between two parties, and that debt is bound to be paid on a pre fixed time schedule. Often times, there is the interest on the actual amount is also included by any of the party. You can buy corporate bonds as per your wish. The amount paid to the people in case of corporate bonds is much higher than those of government issued bonds or corporation bonds because of one reason, there is a higher degree of risk involved with these bonds. Current bank bill swap rate is always paid heed to in times of need.

The great degree of risk is because of the situation when one defaults on the loan. The investment bond calculator always comes in handy. In return of the risks, the corporation that is listed gets jeopardized. The economic situation of the country and other factors contribute to the fact that these bonds have a tendency to favour the bearer by giving more returns, but of course, you cannot ignore the risk involved.

The foremost reason why you should invest your money in the bonds is that they are quite less risky than the stocks. nsw treasury bonds are another kind of bonds. This happens because the firm decides to sell all the stocks before taking another leap with the stakeholders. Even though, stocks and bonds are categorized under the term securities because the stakeholders are also entitled to the profits earned by the organization as they have their portions cut out already, the scenario is different in the case of bondholders as they are associated with the company as credit holders, and are involved in the work of lending money. The risk that we are talking about when the financial exchange occurs can turn tables to a great extent as it all depends on the situation and circumstances. Government securities bonds are a great investment.

You will be surprised to know that they are other kinds of risks too like interest rate risk, tax change risk, inflation risk, credit spread risk, liquidity risk and of course supply risk. They all rely on the factors, and are not controllable by the corporation, any regulatory body or even by the government.

The sinking fund clause clearly states that the bearer has to disclose a certain amount of the due balance each year or on a pre decided date. Jut in case, the whole body is not up for any kind of liquidation than it will be regarded as the balloon maturity. In such cases, the corporation is left with two choices; they can pay the trustees the balance amount or can buy more bonds wit the help of the open market and give them back to the trustees in order to pay back.

Corporate bonds reflect the value of money invested in order to buy them.

Thursday 7 July 2011

What to Consider When Choosing the Best Online Brokers?

Finding the right kind of online broker is not an easy job especially when you have a variety of options available. It does not matter whether you are involved in the matters of stock trading just for the purpose of day trading or for earning income to increase your revenue; you have to find the best online broker for any kind of situation.

Just because a broker is charging less from you for a particular deal, it doesn’t mean that he would do the same in the other case scenario. There is a stiff competition in this arena, and the brokers are looking for some eye catching deals to suit their needs. That is why it is of utmost importance to identify your needs and demands before even looking at the prices charged by the traders.

Before choosing the online broker, you must acknowledge what will you do with online stocks and what are your agendas. You also need to ascertain the prices, and if they are in sync with your budget or not.

What kind of investments are you interested in? Are you happy with the day trading or are looking for the long term investments to earn revenues? Do you want to get into the dynamic world of penny brokers or are OK with the idea of management of the mutual funds? You have to give a clear thought to these issues and understand your desires before heading into the commitment of an online broker.

So do you want to wade into the waters of investment games or are up for only dabbling? Online stock trading is kind of different and consists of peculiar cycle to support your ways, and you will need different kinds of brokers for the various phases of this cycle. Current BBSW is preferred by many. BBSW current rate is a thing to check on every now and then.

If you are only into the dabbling of money then you can take the help from a discount broker as his fees will be not pricey, and you would be able to afford him. But you must keep in mind that no kind of extra assistance and research is provided by them. You can also take help from current bbsw Australia.

If you are new in this arena and are serious about the stock trading then you should try the services of the service broker. After you have gained sufficient knowledge and experience, you can move on to the discount brokers because there will be no need of research as you would have expertise in that field. Bonds market is in demand these days.

It is advisable not to apply the cheap approach in the beginning itself as it will not be favourable to you, and will cost you in the further process. So take the help from full service brokers to have adequate knowledge. There are bond brokers available to help you in the time of need.

Just follow the simple advice listed above, and everything will be all hunky dory for you.

Friday 1 July 2011

Make Better Investments with Insurance Bonds

Investment bond or insurance bonds are meant for investment purposes. These are issued by the insurance companies. They are in nature of a single premium life assurance policy and are a common form of investment bonds in most of the countries. Their offering of minimum guaranteed income for life of the plan holder makes them one of the most sought after investment options. Other useful features of insurance bonds include tax deferred status; access to expensive investment links like guaranteed profit funds and reduction of inheritance tax liability on an estate. Tax deferred investment is an investment in which some or all taxes are paid at a future date and not in the year when investment produces income. These types of investments refer to retirement accounts which allow deferral of taxes on contributions and growth or both, and, taxes are not paid until the withdrawal of funds during the retirement.

The bond which is issued by a corporation to raise money in order to expand its business is called corporation bond. A corporate bond is referred to long-term debt instruments with maturity date falling at least a year after the issuing date. Most of the corporate bonds are enlisted on major exchanges, and therefore, are called listed bonds. But, despite being listed on exchanges, the majority of trading in corporate bonds takes place in decentralized and dealer- based markets. So, if someone has invested in corporate bonds, it becomes important to have the current up-to-date information on issues like corporate bond prices and yields. Some corporate bonds allow the issuer to redeem the debt before its maturity date, where as, convertible bonds allow the investors to convert the bond into equity. But, corporate bonds generally have a higher default risk. The risk analysis is done on various factors like current market conditions, corporation issuing the bond and rating of the company. Due to high risk involved, corporate bond holders are compensated by a higher yield rate than any other government bond. There are other risks involved in corporate bonds like Credit Spread Risk, Interest Rate Risk, Liquidity Risk, Supply Risk, Inflation Risk and Tax Change Risk.

Other than insurance and corporate bonds, there are treasury bonds which are considered as debt obligations issued by U.S.Governement and have more than 7 years of maturity period. Treasury bonds are exempt from state and local taxes and the interest is paid semi-annually. These securities have the longest maturity period from 10 to 30 years. 10 year treasury bonds have a term of more than one year, but not more than 10 years. The 30-year Treasury bond is also called the long bond. The payment of interest is on 6 months basis, and that too at a fixed coupon rate. Similarly, both the federal and the state governments issue the treasury bonds in some countries. For example, the nsw treasury bonds issued by the state of New South Wales in Australia are also considered to be an ideal investment due to government guarantees.